Xumm Evolves into a New Era: Welcome, Xaman!

Xumm Evolves into a New Era: Welcome, Xaman!

XRPL Labs’ eventful journey with Xumm traversed milestones that were once dreams, and now we have grown out of the lab stage. We are thrilled to announce our rebranding to Xaman!

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XRPL Labs’ eventful journey with Xumm traversed milestones that were once dreams, and now we have grown out of the lab stage.
Today, we stand on the verge of yet another exciting chapter ready to evolve and advance our identity to better align with our ambitious vision.
We are thrilled to announce our rebranding to Xaman!
Our evolution - occasionally shadowed by confusion due to the separate identities of XRPL Labs and Xumm and unintentional links to other entities in the XRPL ecosystem - expands to a new horizon, unifying XRPL Labs and Xumm under one stronger identity - Xaman.
The choice of our new name was not taken lightly. Xaman, the Maya god of merchants, trade, business, and economy, encapsulates our goal of seamlessly blending retail and crypto, providing an appropriate avatar for our ambitious vision.
Xaman home screen.
Xaman home screen.
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This new era doesn't merely represent a name change. It symbolizes our transition from a lab concept into a fully-realized XRPL powerhouse. While we'll always maintain our pioneering spirit, this shift acknowledges our growth, maturity, and readiness to embrace future challenges and opportunities.
Our decision to evolve into Xaman also considers the existing landscape of brands within our industry. We've noticed other companies with similar names to Xumm in our space, and our priority is to stand out, preventing any future confusion.
As we project significant retail growth in the years to come, we recognize the need to take this decisive step sooner. Our bond with our users, the core of our community, has transformed dreams into realities.
As XRPL Labs/Xumm, we've charted an exciting path filled with milestones, accomplishments and defining moments. As Xaman, we step forward, prepared and excited.
As XRPL Labs/Xumm, we've charted an exciting path filled with milestones, accomplishments and defining moments. As Xaman, we step forward, prepared and excited.
We count ourselves lucky that a very strong and supportive community surrounds us. This unity gives us the confidence to take everyone on this journey together, even as we continue to venture further into the realm of retail.
Maaike van der Veen, Chief Business Officer at XRPL Labs, commented on the rebranding, "Transitioning to Xaman underscores our commitment to revolutionize the retail sector. Our current partnerships with e-commerce platforms and our successful point-of-sale solutions highlight our dedication. This rebranding further aligns us with our goal to bridge the gap between crypto and retail, helping smooth adoption and growth."
Team Netherlands at the FootGolf World Cup is rocking the Xaman logo.
Team Netherlands at the FootGolf World Cup is rocking the Xaman logo.
We're excited to share that our lead designer, Tristan, as a leading player in the Dutch Footgolf and critical player in this transition to Xaman, is representing The Netherlands and Xaman in the upcoming Footgolf World Cup.
From May 26th to June 6th, the team will proudly sport Xaman-branded shirts, underscoring our support and embodying the unity of our team. This is another way Xaman, formerly known as Xumm, continues to engage with the community, growing our presence.
Our transition to Xaman will be a gradual process, balancing our history with our exciting future. We look forward to uniting our app and company under a single name and brand, reducing confusion and reinforcing our identity.
We are excited to have you join us on this momentous journey. Your continued support empowers us to strive forward, revolutionizing the crypto and retail spaces, one step at a time.
As we evolve into Xaman, we assure you that our commitment to innovation, security, and superior user experience will continue to strengthen. The functionality and operations of all previously XRPL Labs/Xumm products, such as Tangem cards, will remain the same.
How to pronounce Xaman?
The official Twitter accounts for Xaman are @XamanWallet and @XummSupport
The official Twitter accounts for Xaman are @XamanWallet and @XummSupport